Here’s what past attendees have to say about SEAK’s Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians Conference:

“Thank YOU. SEAK has evolved into a critical, essential lifeline to all of us. You’ve done more for medicine & health than many a pontificating hospital administrator. I gained a lot more than I gave, in the inspiring connections made & for ideas formed.”

“Thank you, Jim!  What a treat and privilege it was to participate in the conference this year.  I remain inspired by and grateful for the many doors SEAK has helped me find.”

“Jim, I wanted to thank you for your help in pointing me in the right direction.  We had a zoom call in March after I had completed an online course.    I had told you I was interested in “dipping my toes in” to non-clinical work.  You very quickly told me I already was doing utilization review and that transition would easy, and that I would have a job before the end of summer.  I wanted to let you know I have 2 contract positions.   It is often good to hear the positive impact we have on people we have crossed paths with.”

“I attended SEAK over 10 years ago and tell as many docs as I can about this phenomenal weekend seminar in October.”

“I wanted to provide a follow-up about finding a nonclinical career at UM as a Medical Director after attending the 2023 SEAK conference! All the sessions, mentorship, and connections made were invaluable.”

“Excellent, it bought so much hope and possibilities, it was very inspiring to hear the stories and feel supported.”

“Great experience especially for the networking. The one-on-one mentoring sessions were by far the best part for me but also some great talks!”

“I came away feeling empowered and motivated, and more optimistic than I have been in months.”

“I was surprised and encouraged by the number of attendees and alumni present. Encouraged by the information and success of so many physicians in alternate careers.”

“Excellent. Better than I could have imagined!”

“I felt the trainers did a great job in terms of Expressing enthusiasm and passion for what they did.”

“It was exactly what I needed to hear to feel more comfortable in finally take the leap!”

“Very informative and within about 20 minutes I felt as though this was money well spent.”

“Very informative.  Enough information to help make an informed decision on what type of non-clinical job I would like to pursue.”

“A great opportunity to meet, network and learn from physicians who have made a successful transition from clinical to non-clinical careers.”

“Great foundation for my next endeavor!  I’m still going to involve a career coach, but needed these 4 days to help with branding, etc.  So grateful.”

“Great information, opened up fields that I didn’t know existed.”

“Provided me with a good overview of what’s out there and more concrete steps to get there.”

“Thank you for sharing your personal stories!! Very inspiring.”

“It’s because of a Seak conference that I met people who got me plugged into telemedicine pre covid. I have since spent time consulting for telemed startups and am now the lead physician for Thirty Madison (the parent company of the Keeps brand). I owe you guys a lot for helping me find my way. My life is awesome. I work from home full time, make more money and see my kids every day. ”

“You have really made a difference to a lot of people like me who were/are looking for other options.  I recently retired from a great career at [Medical Device Company] where I finished up as a Vice President for Medical Affairs and oversaw medical affairs groups in about 6 different companies together in a company group with a market value of about $4B.  Quite a change from what I was doing and a lot of fun learning and growth along the way. Keep up the great work.”

“I am a SEAK alumnus, initially doing medico-legal expert work in addition to my clinical work, but now completely transitioned to non-clinical full time work with insurance doing utilization review.  I love my new career and SEAK was key in making it happen. If you’re in need of a speaker/mentor/ representative, I am happy to help.”

“Thank you for the conference. It was both informative and engaging.”

“Thank you for a great, eye-opening weekend!”

“Was great. You are amazing! So active and in shape.”

“Thank you for making my attendance possible as well as organizing I’m the conference. It has opened up a number of opportunities which I had never considered.”

“I had a great time and met a lot of great people. I look forward to coming back as a SEAK Alumnae to share my story!”

“I didn’t get to fill out the final evaluation form but I do want you to know that your conference is life-changing! First, this conference instantly alleviated my guilt.  This was the first time in my 30 year career that I did not feel unappreciatiative of what I consider God’s great gift to me-the ability to touch His greatest creation in ways that most people cannot.  Second, it dispelled the professional loneliness I felt.  Meeting so many, like-minded physicians who have unfortunately found themselves in the same position I am in was strangely satisfying.  Knowing that there are people out there who are willing to help me without prejudice is refreshing.  And, third and finally, yours and Jim’s presentation of the entire topic was clear, precise, comfortable and very easy to absorb.  You guys do not seem like attorneys, you seem more like physician who have gone through the same plight! I sincerely thank you for what I believe will save my career.”

“I am happy that I attended the conference. It was a great opportunity to learn and meet a lot of wonderful people. ”

“Thank you.  It was a tremendous experience.  I tell folks back here that I went to Chicago half expecting to leave with a job offer, but got schooled (in a very positively way) on the fact that this really is a process, and as you put it, a journey.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the SEAK conference this past weekend.  I attended all four days.  I left Chicago feeling empowered and just a little overwhelmed. Thank you for taking the time and care to put on a great conference.”

“The conference was fabulous, thank you for putting it on. I met so many attendees and panelists that have provided great insight for my potential career transition.”

“Once again, my compliments on the consistent level of excellence in the programs offered by SEAK, including the seminars I attended from Oct 17-20.”

“Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity to attend the conference.  I truly had a wonderful time and enjoyed my conversations with various people I was able to meet.  I enjoyed being able to “pay it forward” and I hope I was able to help someone this weekend in their journey for a new career. “

“Wow, what an event we shared last weekend at the Crowne Plaza!  I hope this email finds you well and recovering as well as can be expected after 16 years of hosting the nonclinical careers conference.”

“It was really useful and I made some friends!”

“Thank you for the wonderful conference. It really opened my eyes to the multiple opportunities available. I really enjoyed the course and being able to meet with the mentors and vendors. I look forward to updating you along my journey.”

“I am so glad I went to the conference and had the chance to meet so many great people.  I am really excited about taking some steps toward meaningful non-clinical employment using my creative and writing skills.”

“Thank you for allowing me to attend your conference. It was an eye-opening experience. The conference provided a lot of information that will help me grow. Please send my sincere thank you as well to your family and especially Jim.”

“Thank you kindly for establishing and organizing the SEAK conference.  The conference was enlightening and as a result beneficial. After listening to information provided by your speakers, I feel empowered to move forward to carry out my plan to a happier career.”

“Attending the SEAK 16th Annual Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians Conference was a truly an invaluable and inspiring experience!  I enjoyed learning from you and meeting you at the conference, and I was encouraged by our lighthearted interactions.  Your personal actions exemplify your genuine care for each individual present at SEAK events. I am grateful for the vast array of resources, knowledge, wisdom, and insight that you, SEAK faculty and mentors shared with conference attendees. Thank you for the positive impact you have had on my life and the lives of many others through SEAK.  I will be happy to keep in touch and update you as my journey continues to unfold!  I wish you all the best as you, SEAK faculty, and staff continue to help positively transform the lives of physicians.”

“I thought the conference was not only unique, but very enlightening.  I have already started taking some “baby steps”.  The conference helped me see both my situation and my goals a little more clearly.”

“Hi Steven! This was a fantastic conference. I enjoyed myself and met many physicians like me who are struggling with the guilt of potentially leaving clinical practice and yet are needing to transition to something non-clinical to make the most of our long training while, at the same time, prioritizing quality of life. The speaker sessions were very informative and the mentors were fantastic as well! I will most definitely recommend this conference to my colleagues who I sense are reaching their tipping point before burn out sets in!”

“Thank you Steve.  I found it to be a truly helpful conference with great practical information to take the next steps in my career.  I would highly recommend this conference to colleagues who are also considering a career change.”

“Thank you and Jim and all your family and staff for creating such a terrific conference! Blown away by the amount of dedication, enthusiasm and detail you all gave into creating a wonderfully varied program for all of us docs. I hope to join you soon in one of your other programs!”

“Meeting the recruiters was especially helpful.”

“Thank you for throwing an excellent conference.  I enjoyed hearing about multiple opportunities and meeting other physicians.”

“I thought that the conference was inspiring and thought provoking.  Thank you for providing this useful service.  I will keep in touch about my journey.”

“Thanks for a fabulous conference. I enjoyed it through and through. A unique experience and a gold mine worth of terrific information. The recruiters and mentors were extremely resourceful and you and Jim did an outstanding job on the Pre-conference section.”

“Glad the speakers were so open about their own personal life and experiences…didn’t feel like in a medical education conference most of the time…but more like in a therapy toward happiness!!! :)”

“Thanks for putting this conference together…brought some light back at the end of the tunnel.”

“Many thanks, Steve, for a wonderful conference!  All of your efforts and hard work were very much appreciated!”

“Thank you for the opportunity to open my horizons at the SEAK conference and training in Chicago. Your experts with varying career paths were inspiring. There are many more opportunities than I knew.”

“Thanks!  I found it very interesting indeed – and it was great to speak to you a day ahead of the conference.”

“Thank you for the wonderful conference!  I will be sure to keep you updated on my journey.  Have a great day!”

“Very helpful to hear what a typical workday is like, expected salary, pros/cons.”

“The sincerity of [the faculty’s] engagement in the process really fostered a belief that one could do this. Even if just symbolically you felt they have your back!”

“Thanks to mentors for their time and paying it forward.”

“Thank you! for your time, willingness, and for your expertise!”

“Thank you to the mentors for sharing their journeys.”

“Thank you so very much!”

“Thank you for coming in, sharing your stories, and giving hope.”

“Mentors were all really friendly and helpful.”

“All presenters were great.”

“Worth the time and money. Would have been very disappointed it I had only come on Saturday and Sunday.”

“Wish I did this last year.”

“Well run, great panel of mentors.”

“Very positive and encouraging.”

“Very helpful especially one on one.”

“Very helpful and so thankful for its existence!”

“Very good content, organization.”

“This gave me the courage I needed and the tools to act.”

“The mentors were very knowledgeable and helpful.”

“Overwhelmed with the possibilities available.”


“Not exactly sure what I expected to gain but pleasantly surprised. Good job.”

“Many more opportunities than I expected.”

“Loved the mentors.”

“It was informative and enlightening.”

“It was excellent – informative, well run.”

“It is packed with information and the contacts are invaluable. Even if you just meet one person, your eyes are opened to possibilities you didn’t know existed before.”

“Incredible amount of information.”

“I loved it. Well organized.”

“Great source of info to get me started.”

“Found out what is out there and what I do NOT want to do.”

“Excellent. Eye opening to possibilities.”

“Excellent. Could not have asked for better!”

“Excellent, eye opening.”

“Excellent opportunity and very grateful for the organizers, mentors, and presenters.”

“Excellent information, inspiration, and networking.”

“Amazing conference. A lot of useful info.”

“Almost all the speakers were great.”

“Thank you for your letter I work full time for a health tech start-up company.  I’ve been promoted to a growth path where I’ll work with 20+ ACOs in 9 states starting next month.   Getting this job was a direct result of what I learned while at SEAK in October 2017, and what I implemented immediately after leaving the conference. I first interviewed for this job early January 2018.”

“Thank you and Jim and all your family and staff for creating such a terrific conference! Blown away by the amount of dedication, enthusiasm and detail you all gave into creating a wonderfully varied program for all of us docs.”

“You do an amazing job of putting on an excellent conference each year and I know those efforts help a lot of unhappy docs find new paths in life!”

“Thank you for putting on such an incredibly valuable conference. I heard nothing but positive comments about it all weekend long. Take care and feel good in knowing how your conference is changing lives!”

“I just verbally accepted an offer for a full-time remote position in utilization review (after making contact at the SEAK meeting actually).”

“I attended the SEAK conference in 2016 and successfully transitioned to a full-time non-clinical career in March 2017. I attribute my ability to make this career change so quickly to attending the conference and learning from the group of mentors you assembled. As a pediatrician, I felt there were limited opportunities in the non-clinical world for me. At the conference I learned how to highlight my transferable skills and I am now a Medicare Policy Research Medical Director who analyzes clinical literature to develop coverage criteria for medical equipment.”

“The SEAK conference helped me a lot. Before I attended, I had interests outside of medicine but I felt guilty pursuing them. I felt like I was wasting the investment people had made in me. At the meeting, I realized that there were other people who felt the same way as me. I heard  how many opportunities there are for doctors outside of clinical care. I listened to the speakers, I took advantage of the mentoring sessions, and I talked to the other participants. I became more confident. As a result, it was much easier for me to explore other fields– and I started to enjoy medicine more.”

“Thank you so much for the life-changing experience you provided at the 2018 SEAK Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians Conference.  As a result of attending that conference, in addition to serious soul-searching and arduous work with amazing career coach Heather Fork, I have embarked on an entirely new and exciting phase of my career.  I was able to significantly decrease my clinical hours as an emergency physician, and I transitioned into a full-time position as Assistant Dean for Clinical Education and Faculty Development.  Shifting my attention and energy to work that feeds my creativity, allows me to be very independent, utilizes problem-solving skills developed over years of treating patients in emergency settings, and leverages my clinical experience has been life changing.  I’ve experienced a renewed love of learning and teaching, developed new skills, and overcome so many challenges.  All this has led to a sense of accomplishment that I desperately needed to minimize the burnout I was experiencing, and it had a hidden benefit – the clinical shifts that I work now are actually a pleasure!  Seeing patients now, in a very limited capacity, doesn’t feel as oppressive because I’m being challenged and growing in other professional arenas.”

“I am a Pediatrician, SEAK alumnus, and have been able to successfully transition to a non-clinical career in large part due to what I learned at your conference. As pediatrician I had felt there was nothing in the non-clinical world I was qualified to do. This slowed my transition down for several years. During the SEAK conference I attended in 2016 I learned about my transferrable skills, spoke with mentors, and learned all the career options available to me. I was even lucky enough to make a connection with one of your recruiters to start some non-clinical contract work almost immediately after the conference. In April 2017, I started my first full-time non-clinical role There are many Pediatricians and other specialty trained physicians who feel because they are not internal medicine, family medicine or behavioral health trained there are few opportunities available for them. I read their stories everyday in the non-clinical career Facebook groups I belong to. I have been able to prove a Pediatrician can indeed make the transition, the opportunities are out there.”

“I attended SEAK in 2014 and I’m pleased to report that I have become a medical device entrepreneur. I invented something and am now running a start-up. As a matter of fact, in Jan 2019, I will go full-time into running the start-up (I’ve been doing it half-time this year) and only have a very small clinical practice – just enough to keep my license active. My attending the conference in 2014 was really a good catalyst to get me started exploring the alternatives.”

“HI Jim, I attended the SEAK conference in 2017 and it was life changing. Six months after the conference I started my new dream career as a Medical Strategy Lead with [large contact research organization] I hired a coach that I met at the conference, Philippa Kennealy, and she helped to guide me through the process.”

“I did attend last year in Chicago and am now completely transitioned out of clinical practice into industry. I am a Medical Science Liaison working for [Big Pharma Company] in Women’s Health. I also utilized the services of Michelle Mudge-Riley, as a career coach to help me transition, and I met her through your SEAK course!”

“I attended the conference in 2013. At the conference, I spoke with a recruiter from [health insurer] who happened to have a sign on her table with the words “Looking for a medical director in Phoenix”. We must’ve somehow connected because I landed a job with [them] as a Medical Director. It took about 5 months to get thru all the interviews but in March of 2014 I got the call. Best of all the job was in Phoenix. Although that was a nice perk it ultimately didn’t matter because I quickly transitioned to work at home which in my book is about as good as it gets. Last January I became the Corporate Quality Medial Director… i.e. I found mobility within the company and ultimately found my “corporate sweet spot”. Anyway, I am definitely a “success story alumni”.

“Hi Jim! Wanted to say thanks for an ILLUMINATING weekend at SEAK! Had moments of clarity back at the clinical grind today—feeling more empowered than ever to leave the grind and follow my passions!”

“A great way to learn about all sorts of careers outside of clinical medicine.”

“Excellent!! A lot of knowledge gained that will allow me to create a successful plan.”

“Excellent. I was amazed by the diverse group of consultants (41) and attending physicians (400) of all ages.”

“Extremely useful.”

“So thoughtful to have this available for MDs”

“Very good, it was validating to be among colleagues going through a similar experience.”

“Very informative and well organized.”

“Very useful content, gives me hope”

“Very well organized.”

“Wonderful,  opened seemingly locked doors. Addressed important questions I hadn’t asked myself.”

“The salary info was very helpful and also whether that type of position is open to part time or not.”

“The information I received at the SEAK conference was very helpful.  I plan on pursuing some of the option’s I learned about during the weekend.  I may be seeing you again. Many Thanks.”

“It was truly mind blowing and so eye opening as I had no idea what opportunities are out there.  My goal is to slowly but surely begin to investigate some of the options as additional revenue streams. The course was very comprehensive and had excellent speakers and mentors and opportunities for networking.  Thank you and I’ll spread the word!”

“Thank you for hosting and putting on a wonderful conference.”

“Hi Steve, I had a wonderful time at the conference, and I found it incredibly useful! I learned so much about so many different nonclinical areas and possibilities, and I was able to meet so many interesting and helpful people!  I also think that one of the most beneficial things for me was simply being with so many doctors who shared my experience and feelings about clinical medicine–realizing I’m not alone out here in rural Colorado, wanting to move to nonclinical medicine! You have an amazing organization, and I feel so fortunate to have found it!”

“Thank you for having the SEAK Conference. I was taught that the only way I could be a real doctor was to be a clinician or do research. Your conference helped me learn how to approach another worthwhile job using my education. Also thank you for letting me feel like I am worthwhile and valued being an Internist.”

“It was a great conference.  Keep up the good work!”

“I enjoyed and learned a lot from the recent conference in Chicago. I want to thank you for setting that up. There were many interesting and helpful ideas provided. “

“Thank you for the conference.  I was hoping to get hooked on something nonclinical and it helped me see I am still hooked on clinical medicine. “

“Good conference! Will recommend to others who are looking for non-clinical careers.”

“It was an overwhelming experience. I was impressed with so many options available for physicians.”

“Thank you so very much. I thought the conference was very informative and really well done.”

“I enjoyed the SEAK conference a lot, and it was very informative. Quite Eye opening, actually.”

“It was really beneficial in so many aspects. Everyone was great to deal with. I learned so much.”

“Thank you, for the opportunity to attend the Conference. It was a great learning experience for me. And the food was fantabulous!”

“I did enjoy the gathering. It is the first conference with colleagues where I found real connections on a deeply personal level. I am not unique in my struggles after all.”

“I very much enjoyed the conference, and I am already thinking about attending the expert witness conference in February.”

“Thank you for hosting such an outstanding conference. It exceeded my expectations. I expected to meet physicians either burned out or forced out from clinical medicine. Instead, I met engaging, accomplished and smart speakers, who had successful clinical careers and chose to do something else. This conference relieved my sense of feeling trapped. I now realize there are countless non-clinical opportunities for physicians. And for this, I thank you.”

“Thank you for putting on an amazing series of talks. The mentor and recruiting stations were also awesome. I made contacts with many chart review companies and am following up with those this week. I will also be attending your IME conference in Naples this November and the expert witness seminar in clear water in February. It is very obvious how much of a chord you have struck with physicians and their unhappiness with how the system treats them. Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you in November and February.”

“I did enjoy the conference although I am not to the point of career transition at this time.  I really enjoyed the one on one mentoring sessions and I am going to take advantage of the Physician Coach opportunities that it provided.  Thank you for putting together such a complete conference and if I do decide to move out of clinical medicine, then I will definitely return to a future conference.”

“Thank you for paving the road for so many professionals on their way to the next phase of their lives…”

“It was a great, empowering experience! Thanks”

“Thank you for running the conference.  It was a new experience for me, and very energizing.  I am excited about what the future holds.”

“Thanks so much for four great days.  It was incredibly educational and eye-opening.  It really helped to crystallize where I want to go.  I greatly appreciated all the various options.”

“I enjoyed the meeting, the varied speakers, and the opportunity to network.”

“Thank you for organizing such an amazing awesome conference. I did not know there are so many options available. I hope to refer other clinicians that may need it. “

“Thank you for organizing the conference. I most certainly found the conference useful. The networking opportunities were tremendous. What I found most appealing was the feeling of freedom that fellow attendees and I felt after hearing about the numerous opportunities available for those of us considering leaving clinical medicine.  I am now excited and motivated to move forward.”

“Steve, Thank you! The Conference exceeded my expectations. It was useful to give me an overview of several career possibilities. “

“Thank you very much! This was truly an enriching experience!  I made some new friends too”

“Thank you for your email; I very much appreciate this very well-organized conference, and obviously have a lot to unpack and go over in the next few days/weeks ahead.  I found your Friday morning session quite insightful and challenging, and appreciate your time and energy; and it was great to meet you on Saturday.”

“The conference was very informative and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with you, other SEAK members and fellow attendees.”

“This meeting was awesome and I plan to attend the meeting in February.”

“I appreciate you facilitating this well-organized conference maximizing communication amongst participants. “

“Thank you for having the conference!  It was eye opening to say the least.  (A bit overwhelming )  It was packed with good information.  So many things to think about.”

“Thank you, Steven.  I did enjoy it and found it to be very educational and inspiring.”

“It was truly mind blowing and so eye opening as I had no idea what opportunities are out there.”

“The course was very comprehensive and had excellent speakers and mentors and opportunities for networking. Thank you and I’ll spread the word!”

“I did enjoy the conference, though my brain and body were overwhelmed at times, to be honest.  I appreciate the effort and time it goes into planning something of that size and magnitude.  I did make some very useful connections.”

“I attended the conference in 2017 and it opened my eyes to many career possibilities. I spoke with a gentleman from hospice and when I returned [home], I called our local hospice and there was a full time physician opening. I am happy to say, it’s been 9 mo and I am so happy. I have found my dream job. I would like to help motivate others to have the courage to change careers. I can’t thank SEAK enough!!”

“I attended SEAK last year and ended up with numerous opportunities and a few offers. I start working as a National [Specialty] Medical Director for _______ in 3 days. I credit SEAK for helping me find this position. All the offers came through LinkedIn, which I learned how to use at SEAK.”

“I was very moved a few years ago when I attended your SEAK conference in 2016. I have moved into Academia and Governmental Advisor position based in the UK. I have been invited to speak at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medical Women’s Leadership next week on the 8th and 9th and have just spent the last year travelling on a leadership fellowship though London, Geneva and South Africa .”

“I have been extremely successful with my nonclinical career. I do Med mal expert work, I work for Med management, look at the necessity of hospital admissions and do disability work and do consultations for patient-clients. I am making more than $600,000 per year. Most of my Med mal consults come through SEAK and then attorneys keep using me.”

“Hello Jim.  I loved your conference when I attended a few years ago. I replaced 75% of my clinical income by becoming President of the [Local] Medical Association (1 year, > $300k), serving on the board of [National] Medical Association, publishing a book, and most recently, becoming a senior fellow at a political think tank.”

“I transitioned from clinical practice to the FDA as a medical officer August 2017. I attended seak fall 2016 and it helped me immensely gather the courage for this change which has significantly improved my life. I have since encouraged several colleagues to attend seak and am a big advocate of your program.”

“I changed from my academic/clinical career to working for a contract research company.  Although at a slight decrease in pay, the benefit is a “normal” 40-50 hour a week schedule with all weekends and holidays off.  A first since I started working with my paper route at age 12!  And going from 100+ hours a week to 50 is much more beneficial!”

“Thanks!  I attended last year.  I just landed my 1st non-clinical job, and all thanks to a connection I made at the SEAK conference.”

“This is my second year of attendance–enjoyed last year and am looking forward to speaking with some mentors and employers this year! Thank you for arranging this conference.”

“Hi Steven.  I attended your conference last year and it was life changing! At the conference I met a phenomenal coach and we began work in October. By December I had my first of several interviews and by early February I was offered my dream job at IQVIA as medical strategy lead for ophthalmology. I am so happy with my new job and have successfully made the transition to my new career. Without your conference and [my coach’s] help this would never have happened. I would have been convinced that there were no new career opportunities for me. I am very grateful for all of your work organizing such a comprehensive conference so that attendants can consider all of the options at the same time. It was also fun meeting the other MDs who have made the transition and those who were considering it like me. And I loved the networking session! I frequently draw on the lessons learned there in my new role. I have passed along your conference information to several of my friends.”

“FYI–I have finally taken the plunge and retired from pediatric practice to pursue medical writing full time!  I still have a lot to learn but I have 2 jobs, one of which pays almost as much per hour as locuming would. Thanks again for running these conferences.  I had no idea what to think when I first started getting these brochures, but the conferences are really a “class act.”

“So thankful for you and SEAK for this positive life changing job.  It all started with getting that flier in the mail for the “nonclinical careers for physicians.”

“Thanks to SEAK I’ve recently been hired as a full time medical director!”

“Dear Steve, My leap of faith at the SEAK “nonclinical careers for physicians” conference has paid off! You may recall that I stood up and said to the group that I was going to quit my job when I returned home. On that Monday after the conference I did just that. It was liberating. (That was in October). In November I landed some contract work doing peer review. But before I could start on that I was offered a non-clinical position (halftime) with the county administrative branch working with electronic medical record analytics and implementation. It will start in January. I’m very excited and want to thank you and Jimmy for the inspiration! It’s gonna be a very Happy New Year…”

“I just want to thank you and your colleagues for creating this conference, bringing so many helpful and informative people together, and helping me jumpstart my journey to a new career.  I had some ideas going in but this has really helped me focus and proceed in a more organized, logical manner. Thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday season!”

“Thank you for putting on such a great conference.  I was happy to learn of the world of opportunities out there for a career in nonclinical medicine.  Your organization provides a unique window into these opportunities and has instilled me with hope and confidence.  Keep up the great work.”

“Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us at the conference, and thank you for organizing such enthusiastic and influential instructors.  I learned a great deal from the mentoring sessions and lectures, and I’m looking forward to putting that education into action in the coming months.

Thank you for putting on such a great event.”

“The meeting was off the chart for so many of us….  It has already helped me move beyond a new paradigm shift, to actively engaging strangers, networking, and relationship building skills. I appreciate the excellence and consistency that You and  SEAK deliver. I will return.”

“Thank you for putting together another wonderful conference. SEAK is particularly good for breaking one’s career inertia…”

“Thank you for a wonderful conference. I certainly learned a lot about myself and the unique opportunities in non-clinical careers. I will spread the word to my colleagues about the wonderful programs SEAK offers.  Once again thanks for everything!”

“Thank you and your team for putting together an excellent meeting.”

“Many thanks for organizing the conference–it was a great help.”

“This was another successful and informative conference by SEAK. Thank you for putting together a great group of mentors and potential employers.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the SEAK conference, Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians.  It was the most worthwhile conference I have attended in the past 5 years.  I have told my practice partners and a couple of them are interested in attending in the future.  I would recommend it to any physician, even those who want to stay in clinical practice.  It was a great networking opportunity.  The conference was organized, great facilities, great speakers… Thank you so much for you interest in making the lives of physicians better, that is not the usual career plan for an attorney.”

“Thank you so much for setting up this conference.  At least, I have an idea about what’s out there now and to quote Dory in Finding Nemo, I need to “Just keep swimming”. Thanks again!”

“Compliments on a very well orchestrated event =) Enjoyed meeting many new and bright people.  “

“Thank you so much for organizing SEAK. Before the weekend, I was feeling completely burned out. I knew I needed a change but had no idea where to turn for help. Now I feel inspired and have a vision as to where I should go next. Providing the many comprehensive talks is a phenomenal way to introduce us to all the different roads we could take. But then also having the mentors and recruiters there to talk to us adds a very personal touch and gets us started with the all important networking. I so much appreciate that they volunteer their time to help us get on a positive and productive track. They were all so kind and made me feel hopeful about my future again. I can’t thank you enough. I will pass the word along to my colleagues who are also thinking about making a change.”

“It was a very well run conference. The speakers were inspiring and informative. I really enjoyed attending.”

“I am so appreciative that you created this amazing conference!  It not only provided incredibly useful information and mentoring opportunities, but was a truly positive experience for me personally to move forward from a place of feeling lost and depressed.  I can’t truly express how enormous a gift this is for me, since after losing the profession I enjoyed from an injury a few years ago, I’ve felt that I had lost part of my identity.  This conference, the important message that my career is not over, the inspiring people I met, the networking opportunities, all has helped me get some of this back.  I left with my head is swimming with ideas.”

“Fantastic Conference!  Look forward to doing more with SEAK in the future.”

“Yes, it was a delight to spend 4 days with this motivated and highly intelligent group of individuals. I was most impressed by the participants, presenters and mentors.  Thank you for encouraging all of us to find a life outside of clinical medicine and enabling us to do so by your passion in helping us. Hoping to stay part of this wonderful community.”

“Thank you so much for organizing the conference, you are changing lives! I’ve already passed on the conference information to my other doctor friends…Thank you again, have a wonderful”day!

“I did enjoy the SEAK meeting and am inspired to investigate new opportunities.  Your part in the program was particularly meaningful for me.”

“Thank you, Steven for creating this program! It has been really helpful in many many ways. I’m really glad I attended.”

“Thank you for an excellent conference!  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I’m excited about many of the various options out there.  I wish I had attended when I first discovered your conference about 9 years ago on Google.”

“It was an excellent conference, done so professionally, and with such a sincere effort to help me and my fellow physicians transition to a new career.”

“I wanted to thank you very much for providing such a well rounded, informative, and energizing conference.  I had such a great experience.  The conference really gave me some clarity in terms of where I want to go next in my career (and also importantly where I do not want to go!)”

“Thank you so much! The conference was great!”

“Thanks again for a great conference.  I attended both pre-conference sessions, as well.  Very helpful and informative.  I’ll be attending some of your other sessions in the future.”

“I really would like to express thank you for your company and everything you coordinated at the conference.  Not too long ago, I truly did feel lost and completely trapped in my job but now am going to pursue my career transition with a vengeance.  I feel uniquely equipped to do this now thanks to your conference.  I can’t thank all of you at SEAK and your mentors enough.”

“I wanted to thank you and your team for putting together such an amazing conference. I thoroughly enjoyed attending SEAK. I met great people and made connections all over the country. I also have a better sense of my next career path.”

“Thank you, it was terrific, “something for everyone”. Very glad I was at the preconferences too.”

“… thank you very much for all your hard work to make this conference great.  I was very pleased with the conference and believe it will aid and ease my transition to a nonclinical career.”

“Thank you for providing the participants (and me!) the wealth of knowledge and the tools to act.  The stellar speakers, program, mentors and staff have provided the base for my next move.”

“The conference was great!  It exceeded my expectations.  I am very glad I attended!”

“The conference was an extremely positive and useful experience for me. Thank you for everything. I definitely have made progress in my search for a non-clinical position. Thank you for all your help.”

“Thank you for all the time and commitment you give to this amazing conference. It was one the best one I have attended. A very empowering and enlightening experience. You are one of a kind.”

“The conference was an eye-opener for me.  Thank you for organizing it.  I am happy that I attended.  Now, I just have to do my follow up homework to find opportunities that fit.”

“We wish to thank you for your time and dedication to the October Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians conference. It was packed with top notch information and was highly appreciated by those of us who are seeking non-clinical paths.”

“Excellent, exceeded my expectations”

“Excellent-well conducted”

“Excellent overview of available opportunities.  It opened my eyes to opportunities I never knew existed.  This is a good jumping off point for launching a job search.”

“Excellent especially for someone exploring options”

“This was an excellent conference.  I learned a tremendous amount regarding ncc options I previously had little knowledge of”

“Fantastic/mind expanding”

“Excellent-covered important topics to broad range of physicians at different stages of their journey.”

“So supportive and encouraging.  So nice to see variety of positions.”

“I just wanted to say thank you. We met briefly last October at the SEAK conference in Chicago and I attended your lecture. At that point in my life I was experiencing professional burnout as an OBGYN and looking for a nonclinical career, but unsure how to make the transition and honestly a little terrified to leave clinical medicine. I appreciate your networking advice and explanation of all the available opportunities for physicians in the federal government. I came to work for the FDA CDER last month in DPMH as a medical officer and really love it! The only question I ask myself, is why didn’t I do this sooner? Anyway, THANK YOU. I’m sure you don’t remember me (and that’s ok) but I wanted you to know that in our very brief interaction, you made a huge difference in my life and the life of my children.”

“I went to the non-clinical careers conference in 2013, best conference I’ve ever been to!”

“I attended your fantastic conference last year and it helped give me the confidence to make the break and strike out on my own.”

“I will be joining Blue Cross Blue Shield as a Medical Director. I am certain that I would not have had the courage to make this leap without your help. The information that I gained over the three days that I attended your conference was invaluable. Thank you again.”

“Hello Mr. Babitsky, I am a pediatrician who has been practicing clinical medicine for 15 years. I had the opportunity to attend your conference in Chicago last October and I want take a moment to thank you for organizing an incredible weekend. After the conference, I used the action plan that you, your speakers and mentors helped me develop to land the non-clinical career that I was looking for. I truly enjoyed your conference and would love to someday have the opportunity to help mentor others physicians who are making a career change.”

“I was a very unhappy surgical resident 3 years ago when I first discovered SEAK…I attended the conference in Chicago. The conference was extremely useful as I made contacts, learned of new possibilities, and most importantly it gave me hope.I left surgical residency after my 4th year and found a part-time job doing wound care with a small startup company. This involved traveling to skilled nursing facilities to round on patients with wounds and direct treatments. The work requires only a few hours per day, with no nights, call, or weekends. In the last year, I worked up to full-time, became the designated trainer of new employees, and was promoted to Medical Director this fall. SEAK was instrumental in my transition to this new career, and I couldn’t imagine a better result.”

“Hi Steve – thank you for the wonderful conference you guys put on this year. I was impressed by the number of opportunities, breadth of knowledge, and like-minded people. I was an orthopedic resident [who] got disillusioned. I thought I was alone, but was encouraged by the number of attendees w/ similar experiences. Thank you again.”

“Jim, What you and Steve have created is really special and it was clear that the attendees appreciated the information as well as the experience of seeing they are not alone.”

“Attorney Babitsky and Attorney Mangraviti, I wanted to thank you both very much for the incredible experience I had at the SEAK conference this past weekend.  I also attended the pre-conference on Thursday and Friday.  I was excited about the conference but had no idea what an incredible experience it would be.  The conference exceeded all my expectations.  I was relieved to know that I am not the only one who is unhappy in my career.  Realizing that there is something I can do about it was even more empowering.  I cannot thank you enough for the life changing experience. Thank you!”

“I wanted to thank you for a phenomenal conference. It exceeded my expectations. The speakers/mentors were all warm, welcoming and had practical tips. I knew what I wanted but didn’t know how to attain it and now I have a much clearer idea. It was like I was fumbling around in the dark and you turned on the lights!”

“I just wanted to THANK YOU for the eye-opening, informative conference in Chicago this weekend.  One of the best, most helpful conferences I’ve ever been to!”

“Hi Steven, I was very pleased with SEAK’s 13th annual conference. I found the conference to be very informative, engaging, energizing and certainly well worth my time. Honestly I was not sure what to expect, but I truly left completely happy with my decision to attend. When describing my last 4 days at SEAK to my family and some of my colleagues I artificially broke the experience into 3 parts. First there was the comfort of being surrounded by hundreds of physicians who  have the same feelings and experience with medicine as myself. Indicating that perhaps I have not actually ‘lost my mind’.  Secondly, there was an excellent panel of speakers comprised of prior attendees who ‘made it’, coaches to assist in self discovery and guide introspection, and experts in fields of interest. Thirdly, and in my experience, the most fun and energizing portion was the ability to schedule 15 minute incremental meetings with a  variety of representatives from industry, Pharma, insurance, mentors etc. Those 3 experiences taken as a whole offered an excellent experience, and a great deal of comfort, which I found highly valuable in this time of change and uncertainty.  I applaud your tremendous efforts. SEAK offers an excellent experience which I would recommend to anyone interested or engaged in this type of transition. Thanks much.”

“Hi Steven, Having just returned from Chicago, I wanted to thank you for creating SEAK and for holding this invaluable conference for physicians. I found your speakers inspiring and courageous, and I enjoyed connecting with fellow attendees in various stages of their careers. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I reconnected with my internal sparks of excitement thanks to you. May our paths cross again in the future.”

“Conference was very well organized and thoughtfully balanced”

“Excellent conference for exposure to the many non-clinical jobs out there.”

“Excellent information. Pointed us in the right direction!”

“Extremely well organized”

“Friendly and helpful mentors”

“Great conference. I am very thankful.”

“Great overview of jobs”

“No idea all these opportunities were out there.”


“Speakers were all wonderful”

“Stimulating, practical information”

“Very helpful and informative”

“Very helpful presenting opportunities for MDs”

“Very informative. Immediately useful information. A great place to begin exploration of non-clinical careers.”

“Very useful and thought provoking”

“Well put together”

“Well thought out”

“Wonderful, eye opening”

“Good mix of speakers addressing how to explore or transition to a non-clinical career and those addressing specific job areas.”

“Lot of information packed in to the conference.”

“Recruiters were interesting and helpful.”

“Warm, engaging, knowledgeable speakers. SEAK has a knack for choosing speakers like this.”

“Exceptionally well organized and helpful.”

“Mr. Babitsky, I would like to thank you and Mr. Mangraviti for creating this conference.   I do believe w/o this conference, I would still be wandering aimlessly and accomplishing nothing.”

“Thanks to the entire SEAK team for providing excellent content for meaningful action at the annual conference. This event was life changing!”

“Thanks for putting on a great conference two weeks ago in Chicago. I was concerned about spending that much money, but it was definitely worth it.  I came to the conference exhausted, looking for a change due to many negative feelings about my current position; I left invigorated and optimistic for my future.”

“I attended the SEAK conference last October and what appealed to me the most was teaching which is not something I had thought seriously about with the typical medical school model in this country.  I am going to be starting a position at a new local medical school in the next few weeks.  I never would have predicted that within 1 year of your conference I would have been offered a position like this after over 18 years of clinical practice. Thank you for an excellent conference.”

“I placed two of the doc’s from last Conference in Medical Director roles in December and may have current openings for a couple more.  Not sure if you use those stats with marketing efforts, but both physicians are very happy with their new management roles.” (Employer Who Recruited at Conference)

“I wanted to thank you again for starting an amazing company, SEAK. My journey to successfully transitioning completely from an employed physician to an entrepreneur and small business owner is complete as of July 1st, 2016 because of your dedicated work. My journey started in 2009 when your brochure for “Non-clinical Careers for Physicians” landed in my office mail. I attended that conference the following year and have never looked back. In 2015 I obtained my certificate of completion from “How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful Consulting Practice” and applied everything I learned from those 2 days over the course of a year. I am living proof that a traditional physician who spent the first 30 years of her life in “school” can successfully transition into the business world through the services of am amazing educational brand like SEAK. I never went back to “school” or “medical training/fellowship” in my 30’s like so many traditional physicians in my shoes are tempted to do. I learned how to get  where I wanted to be and maximize my career potential through SEAK.  I am turning 40 this year, am happily married to another physician (who I have turned into an entrepreneur) and just had my 4th child 6 months ago. I am so looking forward to the next few decades of my life watching my family and career grow in ways  I never thought possible until your brochure landed in my office mailings in 2009.  You are 100% correct in your statement: “The biggest impediment to a successful career transition is inertia.  You can overcome that inertia by registering today.” I can’t thank you enough for the work you do.”

“Your conference was wonderful and I am happy to report that within 2 months of the conference I secured an amazing non clinical position.  Within 3 months of the conference I successfully transitioned from my clinical position to a full time work from home position in the health insurance industry.  I couldn’t be happier.  I know that this was made possible because of the SEAK conference.  I benefited from the high quality training and networking opportunities.  I wanted to thank you again for such a well planned and high yield conference.”

“Your past conference was wonderful and I am happy to report that within 2 months of the conference I secured an amazing non clinical position.  Within 3 months of the conference I successfully transitioned from my clinical position to a full time work from home position in the health insurance industry.  I couldn’t be happier.  I know that this was made possible because of the SEAK conference.  I benefitted from the high quality training and networking opportunities.  I wanted to thank you again for such a well planned and high yield conference.”

“I am happy to report that I have indeed made a career transition, largely as a result of my attendance at the 2014 SEAK Non-Clinical Careers Course!  I am extremely happy with this change and do not miss clinical patient care one bit. I had seriously considered retiring because I felt so burned out, yet this experience has reinvigorated me very much.”

“Attended your nonclinical conference 4 years ago. It was eye-opening.”

“I bought your book on non-clinical careers about three years ago and finally attended your conference in Chicago last month.  Good news to report:  I will be the Associate Medical Director at [Large Health Insurer].  I appreciate you and your organization’s information and mission.”

“Chicago conference was terrific–inspiring, energizing, practical”

“I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to have attended the conference. What a fabulous group of mentors! I have been on a 2 year transition plan to get to where I am now. I have been practicing for 12 1/2 years and the last  4 1/2 have been solo. I not only do the patient care but manage all the business aspects of the practice including revenue cycle management, staff management/training and payroll/accounting. In 2013, I reached the height of burnout. I have been steadily working on a transition plan since then. I can finally “see the forest for the trees”, and I have several great ideas as to where my passion lies as a result of attending the conference and meeting so many wonderful people. Thanks again, and I look forward to attending the conference next year!”

“Dear Steve and Jim, I think the best days I have had this year have been October 22-25. My life and mindset are changed forever. I am moving forward and finding opportunities of which I had previously never dreamed.”

“Your conference was so beneficial and informative. I am truly motivated to develop an action plan for the next phase of my career. I look forward to attending other conferences available from SEAK.”

“Thank you very much for organizing a great conference. The speakers were inspiring, and the mentorship and networking were wonderful. I believe I may have been the youngest participant, as I am a 1st year resident, but this weekend was incredibly important for me as I consider the next steps of my career. I am sure that I will be back for future conferences.”

“I did thoroughly enjoy the conference.  I was so encouraged by the stories and the people I encountered this weekend.  This conference is truly a wonderful service that you provide.”

“You and SEAK provided a great deal of insight into a challenging process.”

“The conference was great. The advice that you and Jim provided has motivated me to take action to improve my professional situation; sometimes overcoming the inertia can feel oppressive. In addition, I connected with a few like-minded individuals attending the conference, which was reassuring. Thank you both for dedicating your careers to this field.”

“Thank you Steve.  I was very impressed how you and your company really understood the needs of physicians and addressed them responsibly and with integrity.”

“Thank you all for putting together such a great conference.  It was an eye opening experience and has definitely opened up a new world of opportunity.  Looking forward to further conferences in the future.”

“This conference has been one of my favorite conferences.  In addition to the invaluable information, support, and camaraderie, I enjoyed the facility and the food.  I am formulating a plan for developing my new career. I also plan on attending the writer’s conference in February.  Who knows I may be a speaker for you in the future!  Thank you for providing the tools needed for me to take charge of my situation.”

“It was a fantastic conference.”

“I want to thank you for a very informative weekend.  I now have a very long TO DO list and  am looking forward to exploring my options in more depth. I enjoyed meeting so many like-minded physicians and I anticipate that I will quadruple my linked-in colleagues by the end of the week.”

“The conference was awesome!  I think having mentors was one of the most valuable and unique features. I am planning to attend the Expert Witness session in February, and looking forward to getting the book “A-Z”, in the mail soon!  Thanks for the opportunities and for doing things so well. “

“Thank you for an amazing pre-conference on Thursday and Friday. Not only was it useful, it was inspiring. Hope to see you in February in Florida!”

“Thank you for organizing such an informative conference. Well worth giving up my week end for.”

“I am glad I finally decided to attend after thinking about it the past few years. It was a great conference and opened my eyes to new possibilities. I appreciate all your work to put on an amazing conference.”

“Great course.  An eye-opener in many ways.”

“It was great for me. I am very glad I was able to go. I have a lot of new ideas and contacts. I have a feeling I will attend more of these in the future.”

“I enjoyed the conference much more than I had anticipated.   I am a radiologist and enjoyed my career but recently suffered a retinal infarct which left me with a partial blindness and unable to read safely.   Anyway I had a good time.  I especially enjoyed the insurance medicine breakout session Sunday afternoon.  That’s what I am going to pursue as my next career.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the conference. It reflected SEAK organizers’ thoughtful planning and consideration at every step. Everything about the conference was perfect, from selection of venue (convenient to airport) to great variety of mentors and knowledgeable speakers.  I learnt a lot about different career options, overall concept of career transition and personal growth.  Attending this conference has made me feel empowered to be able to make changes in my thought process and life in general which I did not realize was possible before. Thanks a lot for doing what you do, Steve.”

“Thanks for all of the interesting and useful information.  The meeting gave me many things to think about–overall very enjoyable experience.”

“I found it extremely useful. Great speakers, effective mentors. Even location was fine, no distractions.”

“I really enjoyed the conference, it was really good to see other physicians that have made a transition from full-time clinical and to hear the results of their choice.  I found the conference empowering and it really opened my eyes to the options available to physicians especially those of us who have not completely given up on clinical medicine, but want to broaden what we do with our skills. I will pass my experience with the conference on to other physicians who may be in the situation I was in, as well as younger physicians so they can know options prior to the reaching a burnout phase.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the conference.  It was a welcome breath of fresh air.  The speakers were outstanding.  The speaker on Saturday who focused on career options for health insurance companies was the best speaker of the day.  She should be invited to speak for future conferences.  She was knowledgeable, encouraging and experienced.  She stayed behind to answer questions in a small group format.  She also gave her contact information to about 30 of us who lingered behind and offered to mentor us in our career planning.  Loved every part of the conference.  It was planned and executed perfectly!  Thank you for developing this wonderful and uplifting conference.  I no longer feel trapped and the future is bright.”

“Thank you Steve. The conference was filled with good meaningful information. As I take a different path in my career, I look forward to learning a lot from the mentors.”

“Thank you for having it! It was really a life changing event. I knew I wanted to do something to supplement my practice and income and to formulate my exit plan but I just didn’t know how. You found a need and did an excellent job of fulfilling it. I so appreciate the flyers that were sent time after time after time. Some years I was on call and could not come. Some years I didn’t have the disposable income. This year was just right! I knew I had to come and it was time.  The mentors provided a road map to success. The connections and networking provided the springboard needed to start executing my plan and fulfilling dreams. The encouragement from the speakers expressing real life obstacles and how they overcame them was invaluable. Most importantly I appreciated you and your constant accessibility to the attendees. I read your books and never thought I would be able to put a name to a face let alone have an opportunity to meet and talk with that name and face. Your words struck a deep chord within me! I honestly can say, I am no longer afraid to succeed!!!!  All my best and a sincere thank you.”

“My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the conference.  We are both nearing retirement and it was our first time seriously thinking about life after retirement. It was eye opening to see all of the opportunities available to physicians in a non clinical setting.  For me the highlight was your  presentation on “excelling at your job interview”.  It opened my mind in terms transferring skills from the clinical to the non clinical arena and focusing on the value I can bring to a future employer. Thanks again for a fun and productive experience.”

“Thanks very much for an informative and inspirational conference. It was indeed useful, and I am certain it will accelerate my path toward increased fulfillment in my professional life.”

“Steve—I wanted to send a thank you to both you and Jim for putting on a fabulous conference in Chicago this past weekend.  I have been throwing away your brochures for years but decided to come this year at the urging of my wife as clinical medicine becomes more frustrating and my entrepreneurial spirit is brewing.  I must admit I came with some skepticism, but the conference delivered on all fronts beyond my expectations and provided the final spark needed to light my fire, so-to-speak.  It was the most well-run conference I have been to in a long time…stayed on time, interesting topics and speakers, plenty of networking time, etc.  My final goal is to call you at some point so I can return to the Annual SEAK conference as a success story and mentor, hopefully as early as 2017.  I thank you and Jim for the education.  It was truly enlightening for me.”

“Dear Steve and Jim, I wanted to thank you again for an amazing conference.  I admire your ability to create an environment where attendees were willing to share their dreams.  I look forward to seeing you in February.”


“Insightful, excellent conference. A sign of the times, and great help to prepare for the future.”

“Well organized, good ideas/lots of info, good presenters.”

“Invaluable. The contacts and ability to network was priceless. It reassured me and also energized me and catapulted me into action.”

“I came at meltdown and despondent and am leaving with hope, and better yet, options and opportunities.”

“Absolutely excellent, inspirational and hopefully life-changing.”

“Very well done. I felt lost prior to the conference and I now believe I can start to see a path to take toward improving my life.”

“Excellent conference for anyone at any stage of the transition process. I got a lot of ideas and stimulus to put the ideas into action.”

“Welcoming atmosphere with multiple, available and variable non-clinical opportunities and ideas presented in a realistic manner.”

“Excellent program. It is helpful to see you are not alone. I made some valuable contacts. There is hope, I think I have a more realistic concept of the process.”

“Great way to get started on path to non-clinical career.”


“Good information, helpful, collegial – everyone seems willing and interested to help.”

“Excellent, excellent, excellent.”

“I appreciate your help via the conference last year, and am enjoying my new non-clinical career already!”

“The SEAK [Non-Clinical Careers] conference I attended in Chicago was really life changing.  I gained so many tools that helped me to have the confidence and courage to found my own corporation, Heal Thyself MD.  I also learned a lot about writing at the conference speaking with multiple authors there and have subsequently written a book about physician burnout:  Physician Burnout: A guide to Recognition and Recovery.  Additionally, I have earned outside income through consulting work that I was introduced to through the SEAK conference.”

“I owe it all to you!  I have successfully transitioned into an international lecturer in Gastroenterology with ties to both industry and private education companies.”

“After 24 years, today is my last day doing Obstetrics. No more long nights and endless hours. On Monday I start as a Medical Director at *, recently voted the best health plan in America. One year ago I had just left SEAK determined to make a new path. Thank you for allowing me to do it in one year. All the best and please keep in touch!”

“Thank you for an amazing conference! Looking forward to attending future programs.”

“I appreciate tremendously what you have put together to assist those of us looking for direction in transition. The conference was perfect for my needs and I have benefited immensely already.  It gave me tools that I would have had difficulty collecting in such a short period of time if at all.”

“Another great SEAK conference.”

“Wonderful conference!”

“Excellent and worth the time and cost as well.”

“Excellent! Well worth my time. Received very valuable information.”

“Excellent, great speakers, valuable.”

“Excellent, really quality speakers.”

“Great deal of information. Perfect for someone at the beginning of the process or at any stage.”

“I am very glad I finally came – I was a bit nervous but then when I saw all the other docs from various specialties I felt so validated – loved hearing all the personal stories of both participants and speakers. Also probably one of the few conferences I’ve been to with physicians where they actively talked to each other.”

“Illuminating & encouraging.”

“Very good, thought-provoking, empowering.”

“Very good. It helped reassure me I’m doing the right thing and made me optimistic about it.”

“Very useful, excellent and worthwhile, investment to me”

“Well done, thoughtful planning”

“Most liked the ability to interview directly with companies and meet hiring managers.”

“Able to see all the possibilities available!”

“Detailed, no nonsense information.”

“Enthusiastic speakers.”

“Great speakers and mentors.”

“I liked the ability to meet one-on-one with the mentors to discuss my person concerns.”

“It is a great introduction and a great resource for people in career transitions, thanks.”

“Very well organized given the range of different areas to cover. “

“Excellent recruiters.”

“Great setup with the individual 15 min time slots for talking 1 on 1 with [recruiters]”

“I was amazed to see [recruiters] specifically offering jobs!”

“All [the mentors were] amazing.”

“Like the recruiters, great job setting up 15 min 1-on-1 appt. blocks with attendees.”

“Mentors very approachable. I didn’t feel silly asking questions.”

“[Mentors were] wonderful and very giving.”

“It was a terrific conference!! Keep up the outstanding product!!”

“It was a wonderful conference, Steve!  It was delightful to have met you and Jim and to have had the chance to get acquainted with new colleagues and exciting possibilities.  Thank you for the inspiration!”

“I am so glad I attended the conference and the pre-conference workshop.  The information provided was timely and invaluable, and has given me the confidence to proceed with my efforts to supplement my income, while I transition to the work that I am truly passionate about  inspires me to make a meaningful contribution beyond the clinical practice of medicine.  Thank you for daring to pursue your dreams! I follow in your well defined footsteps.”

“Absolutely enjoyed every minute! I will certainly be attending future events, recommending to other MD friends, and hope to become one of your mentors once my dream job is crafted and becomes a success! Many thanks.”

“This was one of the most rewarding conferences that I have attended and it was time and money very well spent.”

“Hi–just wanted to thank you!!—I was so glad I finally came—wish I had done it a while back—It was a very inspiring and validating experience—excellent speakers and lots of great information—also very well organized!!”

“Conference was terrific!”

“Thanks so much for organizing a singularly useful networking and learning event.”

“After going to school, college, medical school and residency for 24 years of your life, you certainly expect that the career you have chosen will be well loved and practiced for the majority of your life.  No matter how many times you are told that your life can change in a moment, we never really believe it, do we?  I know I didn’t.  After 17 years of working hard as an OBGYN, I came home one night after delivering a baby and had a grand mal seizure.  I have been seizing ever since, for no reason that we can find, or cure.  I had to give up the life and career I loved and for years had no idea what to do with myself until last year when I decided to go to the SEAK Non-Clinical Careers Conference.  At this conference I learned so much.  I learned how many other doctors there were that were either disabled, or retiring, or just tired of their job/career choice and like me, had no idea what to do. I was told of the many other choices that did exist for doctors outside of the practice of medicine and what was even more important for me, I got to talk to several different companies that were looking for doctors to work for them.  I briefly stopped by one of the tables set up at that conference, got a business card and now, I am working for that company.  I had spoke with Steven Babitsky two years prior to this conference and he encouraged me to go to it and that just stuck in the back of my head until I did it.  I am very grateful to Mr. Babitsky and all the members of SEAK.  Keep up the good work.  There are a lot of us out there that need you.  If you don’t know quite what to do with your life, I strongly recommend that you attend this conference.”

“When I came to the SEAK conference several years ago, I was so relieved to find others who felt the way I did about traditional clinical practice. I knew I wanted to transition to a different career in a full time capacity, and although it took some time, I now have been able to reach that goal. I have been working for this company since September, 2012. I of course have new challenges in this job, but there is no pager and I actually look forward to going to work!”

“At age 56 in October 2011, I attended the Non-Clinical Careers Conference in Chicago feeling like somewhat of a failure  After doing general surgery for years, I was just tired and burned out – a lot of that having to do with call and politics in a small hospital, not just the surgery.  My thought was that the SEAK conference would be about 25 very grey-haired docs already well into their Medicare years.  What a surprise to find literally hundreds of professionals, many very young, who were not satisfied with their careers in traditional medicine.  The conference was MOST important to me in validating that my feelings were not abnormal or associated with any type of failure.  I listened very carefully to all the speakers, took lots of notes, and sat down with my husband afterwards to outline what we really wanted to do professionally in the next season of our lives.  [I have now succeeded in transitioning my practice].  Thank you for getting me started in the right direction, and realizing that clinical medicine ‘til the day you die is not necessarily a badge of honor!!”

“Thanks for putting on a fantastic conference last week. I went without knowing which direction I wanted to go into and now it seems so much more clear.”

“I absolutely loved the conference.”

“Great conference. Eye opening.”

“I really enjoyed the conference.”

“Great conference! It exceeded my expectations.”

“Eye-opening and engaging.”

“A wonderful conference. I feel what I learned will prove to be life changing for me. I am so grateful.”

“I now feel energized and excited.”

“Wonderful and enlightening.”

“An enjoyable and informative conference.”

“Your course was a fork in the road for me.”

“Thank you for an amazing conference.”

“The conference was FANTASTIC! High quality and inspirational was in abundance.”

“It was professional-life changing and will be recommending highly.”

“I cannot express to you in words how enjoyable and exciting the conference was! You are not only a caring person, but a class act, and I hope other realized that that’s your true essence.”

“Enjoyed the weekend… liberating.”

“The conference was fantastic. I am ready for the next chapter in my professional life.”

“Enjoyable, useful, and then some.”

“The meeting exceeded my expectations. Now I feel more confident about my career move.”

“Thank you for your time and effort towards making this conference successful. I found your insight and experience helpful in directing my focus during the conference and now as I am networking and refining my “brand” and goals.”

“The conference was great! I actually used some of the techniques I learned at a meeting I had just yesterday with the CEO of a big hospital, and he asked me for my resume at the end of our conversation!”

“Thank you so much for the wonderfully informative and inspirational conference.”

“A wonderful experience.”

“Thanks again for all you do!  I wish I’d come years ago!”

“I found [your conference] very stimulating and useful.  The range of topics and credentials of the speakers and mentors was quite impressive.  It was well worth my time and money and I won’t hesitate to recommend the conference to anybody.”

“I absolutely loved the conference and I found it very useful.  I plan on moving forward with a whole new life and career using some of the information and especially the contacts that I received.”

“Thank you so much for such a wonderful conference.  I feel what I learned will prove to be life changing for me.  I am so grateful.  I have already begun to do some soul searching about my strengths, career desires, and what may need to be changed or improved and just the process has given me new energy and enthusiasm.  Thank you so much.”

“Just to let you know…..I took [your Non-Clinical Careers] course last October and found it SO helpful and reassuring. I am transitioning out of full time practice and have found some good avenues for income replacement.”

“I cannot thank you enough for organizing SEAK. I had gotten progressively disillusioned and discouraged with practicing medicine over the past several years and finding SEAK was truly an answer to my prayers. I attended the SEAK conference in Chicago Fall 2011 and through direct interactions with several of the mentors who participated in the conference I successfully connected with an outstanding recruiter. She was instrumental in not only landing me several job interviews, but she provided invaluable advice regarding the transition process that complemented the knowledge (and courage) that I had gained through SEAK conference attendance and participation. I am happy to say that by Jan 2012 I had 2 attractive employment offers and I subsequently accepted a medical director position. The financial benefits are substantial and most importantly I feel like I have gotten my life back.”

“The conference was fabulous and so informative. It left me feeling very hopeful that there were so many other options utilizing my degree.”

“I have referred a couple of other people to your conference—one thinking about 2013—because I think it is a fabulous conference.”

“The advice I got from the 2010 meeting was incredible. I am confident things will go well, and I want to thank you and the other speakers at the conference for all the help and great advice.”

“Thanks for a great course. It was tremendously helpful to get a sense of the scope of possibilities out there. It was also helpful to clarify why I am wanting to leave clinical medicine.”

“Excellent conference! Surprising to see how many physicians are in the same boat as I am”

“Great concept and very well organized overall”

“Fantastic, enlightening. I feel that I am ahead of the game and more aware of my potential outside medicine.”

“Very helpful. Exposed me to the wide range of possibilities for non-clinical careers”

“Very, very good. I feel better empowered to make this career transition”

“This was very eye-opening. I honestly feel as if I have found what will make me happy for years to come”

“Frustration-free content with attention to cost-savings for attendees”

“Excellent! Well worth my time and money. I learned a lot.”

“Fantastic, rare opportunity. Professionally executed.”

“Excellent, well-organized, well positioned, you are going to need bigger venues!”

“An amazing conference, with an overwhelming amount of information.”

“Just a note to let you know of my progress in the job transition. I attended SEAK last fall and immediately got to networking in my area. Last week I received an offer from [Major Pharma Company] to join their Physician Professional Development Program. Much thanks for helping me organize my thoughts and get a jump start in making the move to industry. I don’t think I would have realized the wealth of opportunities out there for physicians without attending SEAK. Thanks again!”

“Thanks to you I now have a job with [Company Name] (whom I met at one of your conferences). I am doing remote neuromonitoring ( I am a neurologist), and make enough money that I no longer need extra income. It is my ideal dream job and again I thank you.”

“I want to thank you for your courses and contacts. I am now closing my practice of neurology and have been offered a wonderful non-clinical job with Surgical Monitoring Services, a neuromonitoring company I met at your non-clinical course. I dragged my husband Gary (an ER doc) to the course also, and he is starting next week with EHR, whom he met at your course. We are SOOO happy. Again, thank you. We are now able to have the mobility we have always wanted, while still doing medicine, without the hassles of clinical work.”

“I want to thank you for your courses and contacts. I am now closing my practice of neurology and have been offered a wonderful non-clinical job with, a neuromonitoring company I met at your non-clinical course. I dragged my husband Gary (an ER doc) to the course also, and he is starting next week with EHR, whom he met at your course. We are SOOO happy. Again, thank you. We are now able to have the mobility we have always wanted, while still doing medicine, without the hassles of clinical work.”

“I have accepted a part time position with [one of the companies recruiting at your Conference]. I should be out of clinical medicine by 2/12. Your meeting was extremely helpful.”

“I just wanted to drop you a line with an update. A few weeks ago I accepted a position with [a company who was recruiting at the SEAK Conference], and I’ve resigned from my practice as of January. This was the first goal in my action plan, so I’m very excited both about this new position and about pursuing the rest of my goals! Thanks very much for your assistance … the SEAK conference was definitely a major source of inspiration and resources for me.”

“The SEAK Conference in Chicago this weekend was, as always, inspiring.”

“The conference was incredibly useful and just what I needed to get moving.”

“Great conference and very eye opening! Well worth it. Just what I needed to get the ball rolling.”

“Thank you for the Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians course. It was wonderfully informative and a great experience! The networking opportunity alone was worth more than the price of the course! Will keep you posted on my career transition. Thanks again!”

“I attended the conference September 2010 in Chicago. I successfully interviewed and was offered a job with a company. I start October 2011. I wanted to say thank you for offering the conference which led me to my current company. I am going to be working part time for now until I can transition from my current job as a Family Medicine Physician to a Physician Expert Level I. I am excited about this opportunity.”

“I wanted to take a minute to thank you. Don’t know if you’ll recall but I took your non clinical careers course a couple years ago in Chicago and we talked during the course and on the phone after that. I also wrote a review for the second edition of your book on negotiating. At any rate about 4 months ago I took a job as Medical Director in the Johnson and Johnson system and today I got a significant promotion (announcement below is marked confidential but cleared for general distribution). I am appreciative of the time you took with me and the advice you gave me which I think has gone a long way toward making my transition go smoothly. I think outcomes like this speak very highly of your approach to helping physicians obtain a successful non clinical career. ”

“Just to let you know, since I attended the conference my healthcare consultant business has continued to find new clients and new projects. I have also enrolled in a healthcare management degree program at Harvard and I plan to use the skills and training, among other things, to launch new venture projects.”

“I wanted to let you know that I accepted a contract position with Community Health Systems, a national hospital corporation, as a Healthcare Informatics Advisor in January, 2011, and am expecting to be offered a permanent position over the next two months. I report to the Chief Medical Officer, work out of their Corporate office, did not have to move, travel less than 5 days per month, and have made a successful transition to a nonclinical career. I work about the same number of hours, but no longer work nights, weekends, and holidays. I also am paid quite a bit better, and expect that to improve still with my next negotiating opportunity. I wanted to let you know that Joe Bormel was very helpful, and continues to be one of my networking contacts. I thought you might be interested to know that I got this opportunity through networking, while attending a Christmas party sponsored by a professional society, HIMSS, that I joined at the advice of Ron Ribitzky. It was an unpublished opportunity that CHS had been trying to fill with a consulting company but hadn’t found a good match. I also wanted to let you know that I have read your book on negotiating, and plan to use your advice when I negotiate my employment terms, and have already started using your negotiating strategies in other situations. Your course paid off in my case, you are very good at what you do, and wanted to say thanks.”

“A few years ago I attended the Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians conference. Since then I have been actively seeking such a position. Now, through a lead on the SEAK LinkedIn discussion group, I have just been named the Chief Medical Coordinator for the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. This would not have been possible without not only your LinkedIn group but also the skills I learned at your conference and the connections I made there. Thank you, and if I can ever be of assistance to you, your firm, or other physicians looking to transition to a non-clinical career please do not hesitate to contact me.”

“Just wanted to let you know that I am officially the new Medical Director at Johnson&Johnson/Ethicon/Mentor. I start at the end of March. I certainly owe a large part of this to your course, your advice, and you personally.”

“I signed up for the Thursday pre-conference, and at the suggestion of my banker, went ahead and registered for the whole deal. I found this to be very beneficial and allowed me to fully utilize the mentors, in a more organized and informed manner. They are a HUGE resource, and very encouraging. Since the conference in September, I have interviewed for, and received one nice, non-clinical job offer, and currently in the early stages of another opportunity with a smaller firm that may offer significant opportunity for advancement. Dr. Kohn is an excellent resource and continues to supply encouragement and guidance. Entire course is money well spent-period. I never would have imagined the opportunities available and enjoyed the matter-off-fact presentations”

“I had the pleasure of attending your SEAK conference at the end of September in Chicago this past year. It was a very helpful conference, I learned a lot and I was able to get offered a new job outside of clinical medicine; with a lot of help through your conference.”

“I would like to thank you for the excellent conference presented by SEAK in Chicago last month. I was able to attend all four sessions from Thursday through Sunday. It was, by far, one of the most well organized, informative conferences that I have ever attended. I am sure that the logistical requirements necessary to ensure a ‘smooth’ conference must be formidable.

I was unsure of my expectations when I enrolled. I am a 62-year-old board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist. After practicing for 11 years, I opted to rejuvenate my career by completing a two year fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. After 17 years as an IVF specialist, I decided to retire from clinical practice 2.5 years ago. I soon realized that my retirement may have been premature and my work was actually an integral part of my identity. Attempts to reenter my subspecialty were not promising because of the recession (infertility is usually a non covered third party benefit), my age, and—to some extent—my gender. I became increasingly bored and frustrated. However, your conference has provided me with information about options that I had not previously considered. In short, you and your presenters have given me hope and new avenues to explore.”

“Thank you for holding the conference. I cannot tell you what a relief first to find out that I was not alone. I think that is the biggest obstacle when a physician first realizes that they want to leave the clinical practice of medicine. I attended the conference because I had no idea what I could do with a medical degree outside of clinical medicine. This conference helped me to see all of the opportunities available. Some of them are very appealing. This is giving me a place to start. I have started the process of converting my CV to a resume, which is a bigger challenge than I thought it would be, partly due to the fact, I have not touched it in about 3 years. Thank you very much. I have new energy to start my journey.”

“I found the conference extremely useful! Lots of good information,encouragement, and also a sense of realistic expectations as I plan my future. I have recommended it to a colleague for next year. I may even attend it again myself. Thank you for providing this unique and high quality conference.”

“I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the quality of the conference. I bought your book, ‘Non-clinical careers for physicians,’ a few months ago, and refer to it often in preparation for my interviews, but participating at the conference was a completely different experience. I hate to be dramatic, but it feels like it has changed my perspective on the world, and I am very excited. I scheduled 2 more interviews yesterday!!!”

“This is Sue from the SEAK conference in Chicago (‘the unofficial spokesman for all the ED docs and for those who are very early in, and very naive about, this whole process we are all beginning’). This was the most interesting and most informative conference of any I’ve attended since perhaps my first year in practice. The information provided is substantial but invaluable to me personally and I’m sure to all the other docs. It’s especially noteworthy that it the content is applicable no matter what part of the process one is at in the quest for a non-clinical job. I now have the tools to actually make this happen.”

“I truly enjoyed the SEAK Non-Clinical Careers Conference. I found it very informative, and it helped to relieve the anxiety I have been feeling for about 4 months. It was nice to know that there were that many options, some even part time as I am limited in what I can do at this time. I am currently trying to follow my action plan, one of which being to rework my CV and convert it into a resume. Additionally, I am following up with contacts and recruiters that I met at the conference. I appreciate the help you have given me in this matter.”

“The conference last weekend far exceeded my expectations. The speakers were excellent, and the information and personal experiences were amazing. I can’t imagine embarking on this journey without such insight. You and your staff did a wonderful job. This program is first class. Thank you.”

“I attended your SEAK session last year. I learned a lot and have since successfully transitioned into a non-clincal career as a Physcian Executive for a leading Healthcare Information technology company. Thanks for helping me launch my search and good luck with this years conference.”

“I am senior recruiter for a medically related company and manage the hiring process for my company. I wanted to thank you for e-mailing our recent non-clinical opening to your alumni. I am happy to confirm that we were able to hire one of your alumni who received your notice and, as it turns out, we currently have another similar position that just opened up that we are looking to fill. We are again looking for individuals with a M.D. background. Also, if there is anything else I can do to develop a relationship with your organization, I would very much welcome that.”

“I attended your program last year and already have a non-clinical job thanks to your program. Thanks” – 2009 Seminar Attendee

“I attended the October 2007 Seak conference in Falmouth, MA. I went to the conference to decide if I should stop practicing medicine, get my MBA and try to transition into medical management. Seeing physicians from all over the country and representative of every specialty except dermatology (of course we know why they don’t come, stupid us) was extremely eye opening. I realized I was among friends who felt the same way I did, disillusioned and looking for a way to make my medical education work for me in a new way. After the conference, I enrolled in an MBA program and transitioned into a management job at my local hospital the following year. I finished my MBA in January of this year and am going to be relocating to NC. I still have my book from the course and I am using it to create my CV for my next transition. It was the only conference I attended that changed my life!”

“The years of refining this conference show immediately: speakers giving a mix of practical information and a healthy dose of encouragement to break out of the clinical world. The mentoring session lead to several job leads, the most promising of my job search. I couldn’t have asked for better preparation to transition into a non-clinical career.”

“I had debated whether or not to go to the conference as I was not at the stage where I felt ready to make the drastic step of leaving clinical medicine…and I am definitely glad that I went. I am still in the same practice but no longer feel trapped. I now am there by choice, and know that I have other options. My attitude has become more optimistic. At the same time, I have gained the knowledge or ‘tools’ to form a plan for the future. I was surprised to see so many physicians from all specialties, all walks of life, and all areas of the country. The speakers were excellent and it was truly a unique conference and experience. Thanks again.”

“Thank you again for the outstanding SEAK 2007 course. The opportunity to meet so many other physicians who are either contemplating or have successfully managed a shift to a non-clinical career was tremendous. By articulating the emotional and practical obstacles to a career shift and offering practical advice as well as specific information on numerous non-clinical areas, the speakers provided a tremendous ‘kick-start’. Their availability for one-on-one discussion was a unique opportunity. An excellent course, well worth the time and money.”

“Since I attended your SEAK seminar over one year ago in Chicago, I have started a new independent venture with a colleague. We have formed an LLC called Problem Solving Innovations. We are designing medical products that are targeted to provide simple solutions to common problems in medical practice. Our enthusiasm was driven largely by your conference and the program, ‘What’s the Big Idea?’ We have already obtained 4 US patents and have been working with a plastics manufacturing company in our hometown. We should have the first version of the stereolithographs for our initial product by Monday next week. We then plan to meet with particular medical companies interested in the market space for our product and sell it to them. Very exciting stuff. I am hopeful that success will come soon, and I can phase out of the medical profession (at least as a clinical service provider – the profession is damned I fear).”

“Prior to the conference, I felt trapped in a maze with no exit. Your conference opened a world of opportunity, possibilities, and an exit. Now it is up to each attendee to empower him/herself to walk out into the light.”

“I’m not certain when I first heard about a conference for clinicians seeking non-clinical careers, just that I had a vague awareness of one. When I received a brochure in the mail describing this Cape Cod gathering, I signed up immediately. My expectations were certainly surpassed, especially the ‘pre-conference’ on negotiating. That was exceptionally informative, even wildly entertaining. My experience there helped me focus on my current practice of just gyn after 25 years of obstetrics and gynecology. While my current workload is much less strenuous, I think that I simply survived to this point. I wish that I had attended years ago. I may have found a more rewarding job better suited to my attributes. Enduring a job is not the way to go. This conference readily demonstrates that and gives concrete advice on how to change your life.”

“The conference was helpful to me in the following ways:

  • It described specific non-clinical careers accessible to physicians and the steps needed to enter these fields.
  • The presenters and your staff were very encouraging and motivating by showing that a career change is possible and only requires motivation and a proper plan.
  • I met other physicians with similar concerns regarding clinical medicine and left feeling less trapped in my current career.
  • I learned the value to the business world of skills I already have and how to market them.I would strongly recommend this conference”

“I didn’t know where to start networking either. I didn’t even know I should be networking until I went to the SEAK conference and everyone was talking about how important it was. I wrongly assumed that my purpose in networking was just to find a specific job (and I didn’t need to do that because I am creating my own new career path). I started meeting and talking to people anyway and discovered that the purpose of networking for me was inspiration. It is great to hear what others have done and how they have done it; it gives me new ideas and keeps me motivated. It is a great feeling to have new friends who are going through the process of transitioning, too.”

“I also knew of the SEAK conference for years before attending. One reason I waited was because of the cost involved (conference registration, travel, time off work). I also hesitated because, honestly, I wasn’t ready to tell the world I wanted to leave clinical medicine. Last, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do so I thought I needed a better focus before I went. For several years I sort of just ‘treaded water.’ I knew there were things I wanted to do, but I didn’t know where to start. I decided the conference would be my place to dive in. The cost involved was difficult for me; I planned months in advance and cut back in other areas. We postponed a family vacation. I had to convince my family that the money/time were an investment in our future. I considered just registering for the Saturday and Sunday main conference to save money, but then decided that I needed to take full advantage of the opportunity so I took pre-conferences on Thursday and Friday as well. The conference was well worth the money; it was the best money I have ever spent on myself and for my career. I have absolutely no regrets. I returned inspired, energetic, and creative. It is hard to put into words the impact it has had on my life. So my advice is if you can find a way to afford it, go. And don’t miss the lectures on Thursday and Friday. Steve’s lecture on negotiating skills changed my outlook on lots of things. The chance to talk to other doctors who want to leave medicine was invaluable. I realized I hadn’t ‘wasted’ time and money on my medical training. I no longer ‘felt guilty’ for wanting to explore other options. I now felt free to explore my other options, if that makes sense. And it wasn’t necessary that I have a plan in place before attending the conference; doctors there were in all the stages of leaving practice.”

“I went to it last year. I found it very helpful, even got a job in the pharmaceutical industry from the conference! Also note that I just got laid off last month. Not a big deal, it did help me realize that I REALLY like being out of clinical practice.”

“Being able to talk to mentors was outstanding, this conference is what I needed to move on to a non-clinical career”

“Best of its kind”

“Coming ‘cold’ into this venue, it was a very valuable first step, saving me lots of time and effort”

“Condensed, useful information”

“Conference is useful for getting an overview of the possible non-clinical career opportunities”

“Excellent and highly relevant”

“Excellent conference, great information”

“Excellent conference, very informative, lots of meaningful suggestions and ideas to consider”

“Excellent exposure to opportunities”

“Excellent for networking, great meeting other attendees”

“Excellent great info, good place to begin networking”

“Excellent idea and opportunity”

“Excellent info, well organized, inspiring”

“Excellent investment of my time and money. It should be mandatory training for residents”

“Excellent lectures”

“Excellent overall impressive”

“Excellent overview with a variety of ideas/topics/options available for a non-clinical career”

“Excellent speakers”

“Excellent speakers. Thorough handouts. Higher quality than anticipated.”

“Excellent, Beyond my expectations”

“Excellent, delivers exactly what it promised”

“Excellent. Info applicable. This was a high yield investment in my opinion.”

“Exposure to all possible fields, references to web sites, books, people to contact in the future”

“Extremely helpful in focusing what I need to do & introducing me to new concepts & contacts”

“Extremely well organized”

“Extremely worthwhile and unique.”


“Fantastic, lots of valuable info”

“Good exposure to multiple areas of possibilities”

“Good method to get an overview of all the options in non-clinical pathways”

“Good overview of career options, I came here feeling trapped in my clinical career & I left feeling optimistic about my options.”

“Good presentation. A lot of information helped me to begin the process of transitioning out of clinical medicine”

“Good starting point to make a change of career”

“Good variety of speakers, recruiters and mentors”

“Good, hard, useful information”

“Good, useful information where little is available”

“Great beginning point to transition of new career”

“Great information, resources, mentors”

“Great overview of skills you need to develop to make a career transition”

“Helped a lot to define my thoughts”

“Helpful and empowering”

“Impressed about the accuracy and usefulness”

“Impressed with the very practical knowledge and techniques”

“Improved my awareness”

“Invaluable resource for me at this time of my life, has given me many of the tools I need to move my transition to non-clinical medicine.”

“It was wonderful”

“Lots of support, lots of information, lots of motivation”

“Meaningful, relaxed, top notch, accurate”

“My first venture into this and I think this is a useful jumping off point”

“Needed, useful, helpful, worthwhile”

“Our recruiters really enjoyed participating last year and hired 5 physicians from the event and are still in conversations with others from last year…”


“Overall, conference was very interesting, informative, and motivational”

“Packed with useful information”

“Phenomenally great idea”

“Presenters were excellent and gave very useful information”

“Probably the best overall experience of any conference I have attended”

“Really excellent, this was an information gathering conference for me & I got a lot of useful data”

“Really interesting and informative, I’m glad I came”

“So glad I decided to attend”

“Speakers addressed a wide variety of career options – everyone was generous with their time, all extremely helpful”

“Thank you for organizing this life changing experience”

“Thank you for providing this service”

“The conference was well run and informative”

“The lectures were really informative”

“These is something for everyone”

“This has given me hope that this transition is possible”

“This is my first SEAK conference and wish I’d had this opportunity 10 years ago. Wide variety of lecturers, some polished, some less so, very informative and enlightening”

“This is my first venture into this and I think this is a useful jumping off point”

“Valuable it taught me exactly what I wanted to learn”

“Very engaging, interesting and entertaining while being useful and valuable”

“Very eye opening as to the number of opportunities available”

“Very good enjoyed hearing lots of different ideas from many people”

“Very Good panel of speakers, very approachable people”

“Very helpful, concrete, lots of information”

“Very Impressive”

“Very informative, worth my time”

“Very inspiring and eye-opening. I wish I had known about all this many years ago”

“Very practical. I received more useful and practical information in two days than I found in 2 years of searching on my own.”

“Very professional, several aspects to appeal to beginning or advanced seekers”

“Very useful and eye opening”

“Very valuable”

“Very valuable information”

“Very worthwhile”

“Well organized & very good program”

“Well worth my time & money. A useful conference-glad I attended, good starting points. Eliminated areas that I had been considering while adding ones I never knew existed.”

“Would be interested in attending again”

“You’re on the brink of something huge. The conference was very well organized and run”