Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians
Our mission is to provide our clients with the Skills Education Abilities and Knowledge to succeed. SEAK created the annual Non-Clinical Careers Conference in 2003, as a way to help physicians explore the numerous non-clinical opportunities that are available to them. Since then, over 5,000 physicians have attended the conference and many of them have successfully transitioned to a full or part time Non-Clinical Career.
This is an eye opening and inspiring weekend where you can explore dozens of Non-Clinical Opportunities, benefit from free mentoring, and interview with recruiters. Your biggest challenge after attending the conference will likely be deciding which of many possible roads to follow. In fact, a large percentage of our faculty are conference alumni.
500+ Links to Non-Clinical Jobs
Free DownloadThe Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make in Transitioning to a Non-Clinical Career
Free DownloadSupplemental Income Options For Physicians
Supplement Your Clinical Income with High Paying Work
Medical experts earn $500-$1000 per hour (or more). SEAK is the #1 rated expert witness directory. Most work can be done from home. Join Today!
Money Back Guarantee.
Earn $2800+ per exam, examining claimants for insurance companies and lawyers. Join Today!
Money Back Guarantee.
A list of 100+ Companies (with contact information) who contract with physicians to perform work from home utilization and/or disability chart reviews.
Money Back Guarantee.
SEAK Stream On-Demand Courses To Supplement or Replace Your Clinical Income

How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful IME Practice
Learn How to Supplement or Replace Your Clinical Income

How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful Disability and File Review Practice
Work from home disability and utilization review

How to Start, Build and Run a Successful Expert Witness Practice
What you need to know to start accepting expert witness assignments

How to Start, Build and Run A Successful Physician Consulting Practice
Supplement or Replace Your Clinical Income
Upcoming Live SEAK Training
Title | Location | Start | End |
How to Start, Build and Run a Successful Expert Witness Practice | Naples, FL | January 9, 2025 | January 10, 2025 |
How to Write a Bulletproof Expert Witness Report | Naples, FL | January 9, 2025 | January 10, 2025 |
How to Be an Effective Expert Witness at Deposition and Trial | Naples, FL | January 11, 2025 | January 12, 2025 |
How to Write a Bulletproof Expert Witness Report | San Diego, CA | March 27, 2025 | March 28, 2025 |
How to Excel at Your Expert Witness Deposition | San Diego, CA | March 29, 2025 | March 30, 2025 |
How to Start, Build and Run a Successful Expert Witness Practice | Clearwater Beach, FL | May 1, 2025 | May 2, 2025 |
Law for Experts: What You Need To Know To Succeed | Clearwater Beach, FL | May 1, 2025 | May 2, 2025 |
32nd Annual National Expert Witness Conference | Clearwater Beach, FL | May 3, 2025 | May 4, 2025 |
SEAK Non-Clinical Careers Conference
Twenty-two informative sessions led by physicians who have successfully transitioned. More Information >>
Interview for part time, full time and work from home opportunities in multiple industries. More Information >>
Personalized advice and guidance from our diverse panel of physician mentors. More Information >>
Unsurpassed networking opportunity during 4 provided meals, reception and at conference sessions. More Information >>
Benefits of Attending
What Our Alumni Have To Say
“Thank YOU. SEAK has evolved into a critical, essential lifeline to all of us. You’ve done more for medicine & health than many a pontificating hospital administrator. I gained a lot more than I gave, in the inspiring connections made & for ideas formed.”
“Excellent, it bought so much hope and possibilities, it was very inspiring to hear the stories and feel supported.”
“I came away feeling empowered and motivated, and more optimistic than I have been in months.”
“I felt the trainers did a great job in terms of Expressing enthusiasm and passion for what they did.”
“Very informative and within about 20 minutes I felt as though this was money well spent.”
“Thank you for sharing your personal stories!! Very inspiring.”
“Thank you for a great, eye-opening weekend!”
“Thanks so much for four great days. It was incredibly educational and eye-opening. It really helped to crystallize where I want to go. I greatly appreciated all the various options.”
“Thank you. It was a tremendous experience. I tell folks back here that I went to Chicago half expecting to leave with a job offer, but got schooled (in a very positively way) on the fact that this really is a process, and as you put it, a journey.”
“Thank you for having the conference! It was eye opening to say the least. (A bit overwhelming) It was packed with good information. So many things to think about.”
“The conference was fabulous, thank you for putting it on. I met so many attendees and panelists that have provided great insight for my potential career transition.”
“The sincerity of [the faculty’s] engagement in the process really fostered a belief that one could do this. Even if just symbolically you felt they have your back!”
“Wish I did this last year.”
“It is packed with information and the contacts are invaluable. Even if you just meet one person, your eyes are opened to possibilities you didn’t know existed before.”
“Thank you and Jim and all your family and staff for creating such a terrific conference! Blown away by the amount of dedication, enthusiasm and detail you all gave into creating a wonderfully varied program for all of us docs.”
“Thank you for putting on such an incredibly valuable conference. I heard nothing but positive comments about it all weekend long. Take care and feel good in knowing how your conference is changing lives!”
“The SEAK conference helped me a lot. Before I attended, I had interests outside of medicine but I felt guilty pursuing them. I felt like I was wasting the investment people had made in me. At the meeting, I realized that there were other people who felt the same way as me. I heard how many opportunities there are for doctors outside of clinical care. I listened to the speakers, I took advantage of the mentoring sessions, and I talked to the other participants. I became more confident. As a result, it was much easier for me to explore other fields– and I started to enjoy medicine more.”
“Hi Jim! Wanted to say thanks for an ILLUMINATING weekend at SEAK! Had moments of clarity back at the clinical grind today—feeling more empowered than ever to leave the grind and follow my passions!”
“Very good, it was validating to be among colleagues going through a similar experience.”
“We wish to thank you for your time and dedication to the October Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians conference. It was packed with top notch information and was highly appreciated by those of us who are seeking non-clinical paths.”
“So supportive and encouraging. So nice to see variety of positions.”
“I attended your fantastic conference last year and it helped give me the confidence to make the break and strike out on my own.”
“I wanted to thank you for a phenomenal conference. It exceeded my expectations. The speakers/mentors were all warm, welcoming and had practical tips. I knew what I wanted but didn’t know how to attain it and now I have a much clearer idea. It was like I was fumbling around in the dark and you turned on the lights!”
“I just wanted to THANK YOU for the eye-opening, informative conference in Chicago this weekend. One of the best, most helpful conferences I’ve ever been to!”
“Excellent conference for exposure to the many non-clinical jobs out there.”
“Very informative. Immediately useful information. A great place to begin exploration of non-clinical careers.”
“Good mix of speakers addressing how to explore or transition to a non-clinical career and those addressing specific job areas.”
“Thanks to the entire SEAK team for providing excellent content for meaningful action at the annual conference. This event was life changing!”
“Chicago conference was terrific–inspiring, energizing, practical”
“Like the recruiters, great job setting up 15 min 1-on-1 appt. blocks with attendees.”
“Absolutely enjoyed every minute! I will certainly be attending future events, recommending to other MD friends, and hope to become one of your mentors once my dream job is crafted and becomes a success! Many thanks.”
“The SEAK Conference in Chicago this weekend was, as always, inspiring.”
“Thank you for the Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians course. It was wonderfully informative and a great experience! The networking opportunity alone was worth more than the price of the course!”
“I had the pleasure of attending your SEAK conference at the end of September in Chicago this past year. It was a very helpful conference, I learned a lot and I was able to get offered a new job outside of clinical medicine; with a lot of help through your conference.”
“Being able to talk to mentors was outstanding, this conference is what I needed to move on to a non-clinical career”
“Excellent conference, very informative, lots of meaningful suggestions and ideas to consider”
“Excellent investment of my time and money. It should be mandatory training for residents”
“Excellent speakers. Thorough handouts. Higher quality than anticipated.”
“Invaluable resource for me at this time of my life, has given me many of the tools I need to move my transition to non-clinical medicine.”
“Probably the best overall experience of any conference I have attended”
“Really excellent, this was an information gathering conference for me & I got a lot of useful data”
“This is my first SEAK conference and wish I’d had this opportunity 10 years ago. Wide variety of lecturers, some polished, some less so, very informative and enlightening”
“Very eye opening as to the number of opportunities available”
“Very practical. I received more useful and practical information in two days than I found in 2 years of searching on my own.”
“Well worth my time & money. A useful conference-glad I attended, good starting points. Eliminated areas that I had been considering while adding ones I never knew existed.”
“You’re on the brink of something huge. The conference was very well organized and run”
“Thank you for the Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians course. It was wonderfully informative and a great experience! The networking opportunity alone was worth more than the price of the course!”
“Very inspiring and eye-opening. I wish I had known about all this many years ago”
“I have accepted a part time position with [one of the companies recruiting at your Conference]. I should be out of clinical medicine by 2/12. Your meeting was extremely helpful.”